Six months ago, I didn’t believe a Christian could be oppressed by demons. I did however believe that demons were real, and that God instructed us to cast them out. Your about to read how I came into knowledge of all of this!
I was in YWAM(Youth With A Mission) during the week we were being taught deliverance. The deliverance teacher flew from Manilla to Cebu to be with us for the whole week. Though, I was only thinking we’d be renouncing generational curses and addictions etc. It was definitely about that, but much deeper! The Tuesday night during that deliverance teaching, I had a dream that I was at my home town church speaking, and casting out demons inside the church! Then I told my dream to the deliverance teacher. He said, “That God wants me to be trained in this, and know how to cast out demons!” Well, I was of course very willing to allow God to do that through me. Who wouldn’t be? The very next afternoon I got the chance to pray over my roommate while being instructed by the teacher. Most didn’t get this chance as it was a private thing. Very personal things get confessed to release any strongholds the enemy has on us.
Praying for Deliverance Over The Christian
I began by praying for protection over our family and friends; asking for Jesus to cover us by the Blood; and protect us with His angels, then finally establishing authority. Establishing authority just means to acknowledge who we are in Christ. Right at that moment the Holy Spirit surrounded me, and the prayer poured out of my mouth. As I was praying for my Christian friend, he began to feel heavy to the point of not being able to lift up his body. He looked liked he has passed out while sitting in a chair! The spirit of laziness and lust had a hold of him. Soon after he was unable to speak, and his neck was nearly on fire to the point I could’ve cooked an egg on it!
The prayer didn’t last but 20-30 minutes. When the evil spirit finally released his tongue, we asked him to rebuke it so it’ll never torment him again. That moment, an outward breath was released, then peace and joy filled the room. A smile was on every face instantly! He was delivered and we knew it! Glory to God! Though, deliverance is not an act, it’s a walk. As individuals we have to continue to walk a holy life, and not give the enemy a foothold to enter again!
Christians Can Be Oppressed but Not Possessed
My eyes had been opened to the reality that Christians can be oppressed by giving the enemy a foothold in our life through sin. More so than that, the oppression is actually an evil spirit that latches on the inside! You may or may not believe or understand this, but that is the revelation I received. Here in Asia this sort of deliverance is more common than it is in the States.
The only other way I read in the Bible to get delivered is where David worshiped with Solomon, and then the evil spirit would flee. I don’t want to leave you feeling down or scared, but I hope this encourages each one of you to seek God more, as this fight we’re in is a spiritual one. Its a war and you’ve just stepped into it!
Not every experience was like that one. In fact, most are way different! Most deliverance sessions I’ve gone through since then are very calm. Though, I have seen some vomit, but it’s not required that something radical has to happen to be delivered. Be looking out, because in the next couple of weeks I will write about how to conduct deliverance. Feel free to write any comment or experience you have.