
Missions Began in 2011

Welcome to Gilpins2Asia (dot) com, a place where the Gilpin family can share their journey and life of missions. Both Justin & Anna’s life goal is to make Jesus known where He isn’t. Before they were married, Anna and Justin both stepped foot onto the mission field in October 2011 but to different countries. They didn’t meet until years later. Anna served many years in Thailand and became fluent in the language, while impacting the lives of many Muslims; drawing them closer to Jesus each day. Justin served in the Philippines as an evangelist who partnered with churches and hospitals; bringing the hope of the Gospel through power evangelism.

Justin & Anna were born in the mid 80’s who both encountered near death experiences at separate times in their lives. One from a deadly motorcycle accident that shattered Justin’s leg; while Anna suffered from a broken back and serious head injury. Both of them encountered the healing power of Jesus and continue to teach others to operate in faith. Justin also likes to talk about his journey on how to die, that nearly left him dead and without a Savior.

Two Missionaries Got Married

Justin and Anna meet at Georgia’s Assembly of God District Counsel meeting in 2014. They became close friends that lasted for 5 years until their marriage in 2019. As they were about to embark on their third term missionary trip, the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Nothing like how Justin’s first missionary trip began.

They finally were able to arrive to the Philippines in May 2022 when the borders opened up. They arrived with more than just their luggage; they brought along their one-year-old baby girl who was born on international women’s day. Quite fitting for a missionary kid! Their second baby girl would be born overseas in Manila, Philippines a year later. They moved to Davao shortly after the birth of their second baby, where they would connect with others who have a passion to reach Muslims who live in dangerous places. In 2024, God made it quite clear to Justin and Anna about starting a church in Davao.

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