God has been doing amazing miracles, and I want to teach you to walk in this as well! All glory belongs to God as the evangelism team witnessed many new and exciting miracles the beginning of this year. The past three weeks I’ve been recovering from many things, first a high fever, than had a short week to recover till my knee locked up and gave me incredible pain that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I know it’s the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy; so I will step up and attack back as “the violent take it by force!” On our knees we battle and will win! And it’s my desire to see all of us empowered with the Holy Spirit and healing the sick!

This year 2013, our team witnessed many miracles from people in wheel chairs getting up and walking, to short legs growing right before our eyes! Rather than go into all the details about it like I usually do. I desire for you to learn how to do the same. I figure my team and I won’t be the target anymore if all Christians know how to stand in the authority God has already given them. Anyone can learn how to heal the sick!

I want to share with you a video series that has inspired and built upon our foundation even more. A couple Charles and Frances Hunter, who are some of God’s Generals, teach how to heal the sick. They have devoted their lives to this particular ministry, and have taught many churches. Something that makes them even more unique is that they have a doctor on the scene that checks everyone out once sick claim to be healed. Doctors document everything and the world cannot say it’s a lie! I myself have seen hundreds of miracles and taught a good handful to walk with the same authority. So you’re not alone in this journey.

Do me a favor… Ask yourself if you want to be feared by satan and all his demons? If you answer yes, then click here for Charles Hunter video series. Generally though studying Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, and Lester Sumrall won’t lead you astray. I’m looking forward to hearing your progress once you begin to pray for the sick!


About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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