When all hope has been lost God seems to bring a ray of light to beam into the center of our hearts to warm it back up. Peace floods over our entire life as our eyes are cleared when we see beyond our circumstances. This was the case for a young man named Jerroel, who has been transformed, because of you supporting missionaries!

I’ve been hearing more and more often how if we have talents, we’re suppose to put them to good use. Just like the parable of the Bible, if you]re faithful with your talents, God will give you more. My talent isn’t the average talent, and so that’s made it more of a reason for me to use it. God has given me a talent, and so I’m giving it back to the world for His glory!

The team that I lead to evangelize has been accepted for a few weeks to go and pray over people in the hospitals. Nothing too exciting about that until a prayer for healing is offered to somebody who believes! Just like Jesus said, “Your faith has made you well!” It still holds true today, that it is “Your” faith that makes you well! Many people get healed at the hospitals, but this touches my heart the most! The man prayed for had a similar life like mine. He used to be a drug dealer just like me.

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Jerroel was shot 3 times in 2008, which lead to an infection inside his stomach in 2012. The moment I saw him inside the hospital ward, I felt pity for the man. He had wires all over his body, and even oxygen tubes going up his nose. His stomach was sliced open to remove the infection, but Jerroel was still in severe pain. I asked the two ladies I was with to speak to him in Bisaya, as I teach evangelism training and pray for healing. This talent is not only being used, but with God’s help, I’m multiplying it!

Within 10 minutes the man’s eyes were watering up as he saw his need for repentance and the love that the Father has for him! After about twenty minutes total, we were able to lead the man to Christ to receive eternal salvation. It was another glorious day for His Kingdom as one has been added to it! The man thought he was a tough guy all tatted up, but God’s presence is enough to make anyone cry as we see how dry we have become. While his eyes were still teary and snot running over the oxygen tubes, we asked if He believed God can and will heal him? His response was, “Yes” with a nod.

Sponsor Missionary + God’s Healing

Before we prayed, I asked the man, “How much pain are you in? From 10 being severe pain, to 1 as no trace of it.” He responded, “10” then took a gasp of air. With assurance of who I am in God’s eyes, being heirs with Christ, I began to pray for him. Believing in the authority that God has given us to “Trample on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy.” – Luke 10:19 I commanded the pain to seize in the name of Jesus. After a few minutes of prayer I looked back at the man who has been lying on the bed for days. His face was glowing and you could see peace all over it. I asked him, “What’s the pain level at now?” Another tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled and said, “Only 1!” He was radically healed of his pain and was set free from his sins all within 30 minutes! To God be the glory!

On Saturday we got the chance to visit the hospital again to pray for others, and while I was there I met the new convert. He was walking! I even had to take a double glance, as I didn’t recognize Jerroel at first! The revived man made such an astounding recovery, and told us that he’s coming to church as soon as he gets released. Well, the next day he sends a text message that would make anybody feel good. He said, “He will never forget us for the rest of his life, and that God is good all the time!” This message is meant for all supporters as it’s not possible without you sowing into His Kingdom!

Already the one who reaps is receiving wages and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. – John 4:36

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I’m just an instrument, but God is the one playing and making the melodies, not me! Without Him I’d be nothing! Without you supporting me, this wouldn’t be possible! I want to thank all you who’ve been supporting me! Many people were saved and healed this month from various backgrounds to various sicknesses. Many more to come as I venture into ministry long term here in the Philippines!

Don’t stop giving to God’s Kingdom. Don’t stop doing God’s work. This is the one thing that is assured to make a difference in life after death! Deposit your talents where they count!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:9-10

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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