I’m excited to share with you what God has been doing. Its not been easy as I’ve had to adjust to a lot of changes and different challenges, but I’m very blessed! I have been in the process of making a video consisting of different people getting healed and of their testimonies. People with chest, back, throat problems are all being healed, God even heals a deaf boy and this is all caught on video! The end result turned out very nice and you can grab the link to the video at the bottom of this email.
The last two months I’ve been training up an evangelist team consisting of 7 Filipino’s and myself. Everyone is from the current church that I attend and are passionate about knowing Christ more. They have really caught the fire of evangelism and gift of healing. God still heals people and is the same yesterday, today, and forever! It was prophesied over me that my anointing is supposed to spread, and everybody on the team has caught the gift of healing and the power of prayer. I’m extremely blessed to be a part of these guys’ lives and train them up in the ways of God. We’ve seen so many people come to Christ each and every week, as well as witnessing around 20-30 people healed! We have also partnered with YWAM/Cebu House of Prayer to help lead their evangelism teams, and are very blessed working along side with them. God has put some amazing people in my life to assist me, of which I’m most grateful for! Click here for your video of healing!