Before I get started on how I’m now in the Philippines, I’d like to say that God has a sense of humor. What exactly do I mean by that? Well he created you, haha! Okay all jokes aside… God will hold you to the words that we speak. The words I spoke were to my family telling them that I was going to become a missionary. Since then I’ve had missionary stories to tell from the moment I left America. Radical miracles kept following me where ever I went!
As soon as I told them both that over the phone, then I lost both my jobs within 2 weeks of each other. Yes, I was probably a workaholic to some degree, but God also knew that I probably wouldn’t look into missionary work that fast unless I had more time. Now, realistically I should have been freaking out, but I knew that God was using this to further His glory. Who else could have caused me to lose both jobs like that so fast especially when I was working at the one for 3 years? God is a God of order, and if we’re following His will then there is no reason to question His methods.
Become A Missionary
Of course I was shocked about this event, but quickly realized it was because of the words that I spoke. God was going to give me my desire in making Him known. I could have talked with what seems like every pastor, and missionary that I knew of and then some trying to figure out where to go. I also contacted a lot of different missionary agencies in hopes of finding out where God was leading me.
Missionary Stories began when I Acted on Faith!
I was lead by God to look into this agency called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). This agency ended up being the one. Then after much prayer I was lead to Cebu, Philippines for training. They had many advantages for somebody who was in their mid 20’s and of course I was trying to get into Asia, as that is one of the most unreached people. Though, I had this inner sense that I wouldn’t be just going to some tiny island, but instead help disciple. Even now I don’t know exactly what will happen in 6 months from now, but what I do know is that I’ll wait on God to lead me after my training here at YWAM.
Missionary Work
Besides all this training and studying, we have done a lot of work with the slum kids. Most of the time the students only do ministry on Friday, but we were blessed when we got over half a week of outreach in the last week of October. These kids are hands down some of the most likable kids in the world. They are so humble and for the most part very respectful. As soon as you meet them, your heart swells with compassion and you want to meet all of their needs but it just isn’t possible. On top of them being humble, poor and starving. They are also hungry for God. Even one group wanted me to keep telling stories about what God did in my life, instead of playing games!
Early in the third week somebody spoke into my life. God was using this man of God to encourage me and affirm that I’m following His voice. This pastor was teaching over here at the YWAM base. I was definitely seeing that the Holy Spirit was all over this pastor. He said things that only God could have told him, especially when he prophesied over us on Tuesday. The thing that happened next, threw me off balance as it wasn’t expected…
Pastor asked me to give my testimony at church, and he knew nothing about it, nor did anybody say anything to him. What else could I say, other than yes? It was obvious that God told him to allow me to speak in front of his congregation of 200+. Needless to say it went really well, and after sharing my testimony nearly all the youth came up front to get prayed for. I give God all the honor as I myself can do nothing without Him. I’m positive that the Words that God spoke through me won’t return void. Lives were touched and hearts were kindled.
By the fifth week I’m praying for funds to come in, as I haven’t heard any thing back home, and have no way to call. Monday night I had dream of getting $600-$700 dollars. Then when I woke up I had a sense that God will take care of me, and that I’ll have more than enough as a missionary. I told the others about the dream, letting them know that I had a good feeling that God was going to provide all my needs. Wednesday comes rolling around, and by mid afternoon I received an email. The email was from my pastor back home letting me know that donations came in totaling $600-$700 dollars. Praise God! I never really got dreams like this before! It is a very wonderful experience. Now, I will pray about my dreams more, and ask if they’re from you Lord.
As I continue following the Lord, Jesus Christ. I hope you will be encouraged to draw closer to God. If this type of blessing can be on me, then it can be on any one of His children. At the current time of writing this, I’ve been here in Asia for 1 ½ months. Please continue praying for me, and sending support as this journey isn’t meant for me to go at it alone. If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to my newsletter as I’ll be sending out monthly updates.
God bless!
God really called you to be His servant.a true servant in heart,mind and action.I am blessed that I meet you for me to learn a lot about your life.Everything that happens really has a reason.,God Bless!
Thanks Sarah,
I’m glad that you were inspired. Just like you said, everything that happens does have a reason. “All things work for the good of those who love Him” even when they appear to be hard, as long as trust in the Truth of God.
keep it up Justin… i will keep you in my prayers…. 🙂
Hey Jezel,
Thanks a lot for your prayers. They are much appreciated!
God bless!
Hello Justin, dunno if u still rmb me, really touched by your experience and great to have gotten to know u just a few months back! and yes God does work in wonderful ways(: will be praying for u and the people at YWAM Cebu
Hey Zhi Wel,
I remember you bro. I’m glad that you spent your time to do God’s work during your free time. Its a blessing to meet others with a passion for Christ, and willing to do something about it. I appreciate your compliments bro, and glad you were touched by my experiences. May they draw you closer to God 🙂 Thanks for the prayers as well, I really appreciate it. I’m currently not in YWAM anymore, but God has called me a different direction. I took a step of faith, but God has blessed me greatly for it. I’m still in Cebu but working with an anointed pastor. With God’s help, I’ve setup an evangelist team who go out and reach out to the lost and heal the sick. Its been incredible how much God has blessed us. Again, thank you for the prayers and God bless you as you bless me 🙂 Yeah, thats from the Bible haha. Adios!
didn’t know you were in the philippines! welcome! hope you’re having a blast here!
Yup, having an awesome time here in the Philippines. Just hit my one year mark and still going 🙂 God bless!
Hi Justin, I am all the way over the other side of the world ..on a small island called the Isle of Man ( where the famous motor bike TT races are held every year). I was really blessed to hear about your story , and pray that God is using you to great effect 🙂 I have no doubt that He is, and just wanted to encourage you from all the way over here.
God Bless
Thanks Christine and blessings to you as well! Hope you are doing well at this time in your life?
, If you were as ____ (smart, educated, hard-working, clabpae, fill in the blank) AS ME, you wouldn’t be having $ problems. Since you are, you’re obviously doing something wrong. This kind of mentality looks for something wrong so blame can be attached, thus relieving them one rendering judgment of any responsibility to get involved.Another tact Christians are famous for in this regard is saying I’ll pray for you as they skedaddle in the opposite direction at warp speed. Prayer is necessary. Prayer is a good thing. But what about paying the rent? What does James say about, Be warm and be filled ?I think the poor are the apple of God’s eye. No one understands what total dependence upon God for one’s EVERY need including DAILY bread means like those who are struggling financially. I think God is pleased with such dependence. It takes us totally out of ourselves. I also think Christians who ignore, impugn, malign or refuse to tangibly assist needy ppl whom God brings across their paths touch the apple of His eye. God says, I see that, and I take that seriously. He will repay.They opporunity to bless others in Jesus’ name by sharing from the abundance that HE has provided is a great one. Missing it it a great tragedy.