This past month I’ve gone through many struggles, but through it God is showing up and showing off! I’m going to get very real with you all, and even share an uncut video into my personal life at the end of this email.

About 5 weeks ago the truck my uncle had let me borrow for my time here in the states blew a head gasket. Without a vehicle here in the States it is very hard to get to work, nonetheless church. I’ve not been effectively able to do the two jobs God had given me here in Georgia without transportation. My brother, being a mechanic was able to replace the head gasket, but then concluded it has a cracked blocked. Times get tough for everyone, and I’m not exempt from problems either! I know each month people read my newsletters of amazing miracles, and I pray I never give the impression that life is without struggles, because it is not!

The financial situation was going from bad to worse. Most missionaries experience this, but when one comes back home their funds tend to decline. This was the month where I experienced that. So my funds have declined and the truck I was borrowing had seen it’s last days, now what?

Sunday Oct 7th was my day of dying to self and giving it all back to God. During the Sunday morning service at church they announced that this was the last week to join the men’s retreat. Knowing I don’t have the money for it, I prayed and asked God to make a way for me to go. The couple I was sitting next to found out at the end of the service that I was a missionary as they asked me about the islands printed on my shirt. We had a short and sweet conversation and then as I proceeded to leave, they caught me then asked, “Are you going on the men’s retreat?” and “Would you like to?” Needless to say I was shocked! Didn’t know this couple from Adam and now they want to pay my way! The gentleman told me God had prompted him, and then I knew my miracle had come!

The day wasn’t over yet either! God wanted to love on me some more! Later that same Sunday I was at my brother’s baby shower and met two ladies face to face whom had been inspired by my life. We’d never actually met in person, but came to know each other online. As they left the baby shower, each of them blessed me with a financial gift! Three different people who I had never meet up until this point were led by God to give to me on the same day! I was blown away! Who cares if my funds appear to “look” slim, God is still in control!

As we were traveling home from the baby shower God spared my family and me from a car accident. The rain caused a truck to spin out and hit the two cars behind us. Thank God no one was serious injured! The day still isn’t over! Later that Sunday night I was communicating with a friend, Shari, and asked her how can I pray for her. She only desired that I reach out more to the lost, and that made me want to insist more for a personal prayer. Shari’s daughter soon after told me she was in pain. While reading her daughter’s message, the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I knew she was going to get healed. It’s one of God’s ways to confirm to me who will be healed. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the pain is in her shoulders which she later confirmed. After a quick phone call… she was instantly healed! All glory belongs to God as I don’t even know how to stitch a cut let alone try and sew anything! Shari’s life and prayer had also blessed my life as she has a pure heart towards others. Do say a prayer for her that every bone in her spine will regenerate completely and that no sickness can overtake her body! God is able!

Just as God showed me the small concerns in my life matter to Him; the small concerns in Shari’s life also matter. We were both re-taught the same lesson on the same day! Now I pray that message spreads to give you hope! Trust in Him for He who has led you is faithful!

P.S. I’ve been accepted as a missionary associate in Assemblies of God! They are tough to get in, and I didn’t even know if I would fit their standards! God is the one who closes doors and opens another. Though a door maybe slammed in your face, I can assure you that God’s will is best! Take the door He chooses for you!

P.P.S. Exactly seven years ago, Oct 3rd, I was in a motorcycle accident. What better way to commemorate it then with a video testimony on how God turns bad situations around? Click here to watch the video.

Thank you so much for your financial blessings and prayers! I couldn’t reach others without you! My God led supporters and prayer warriors have made it possible to touch this world for God’s glory! I’m so proud to be a part of your life! How can I give you the thanks you deserve?! God bless you so much!

Because they haven’t heard,
Justin Gilpin

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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