Learn the purpose of The Truth Project and why it was created. This review is based on first hand experience, having gone through The Truth Project in it’s entirety.
The Project is designed for a small group study targeting upper class aristocrats. In the design aspect, the 12 series dvd’s are in great hi-def quality that is suitable for attorneys and lawyers. Somebody who worked along side Al Gore during his global warming researching teaches the Project, so it’s no wonder that they do extensive research. Through this research, Dr. Del Tackett creates The Truth Project to bring into perspective the Biblical worldview, which “Only about 9% of Christians have”, says Barna Research Group.
The series has taken responsibility to expose the lies that we have been accepted into our culture and worldview. The Truth Project has been shown to over a million people and continues to grow in popularity all around the world.
The Truth About The Truth Project
- Amazing DVD Quality. The audio and video are exquisite. Displaying the video through a project in High Definition with perfect clarity. The audio sounds crisp and clear when it’s being plugged in through a sound system.
- Great In-depth Study. Del Tackett and his team have accurately gone through great lengths to bring the Truth into the light. The research goes into many different fields and perspectives. The team has gone all around the world to get statistics and view points from average people and well known Christians and atheists.
- Accurate Info. The Truth Project uses the Holy Bible correctly without squeezing in doctrine. They truly have done an amazing job to gather such a mass amount of Bible believing Christians into agreement over the Biblical worldview. Scripture is not twisted in any way to benefit any belief or religion.
- Exposes Lies. The amount of lies that are exposed is phenomenal! Take a journey of ah-hah moments and bewildering surprise as everyone watches the series. Lives are forever changed through the renewing of our minds!
- Perfect Small Group Study. The DVD’s have led to many great discussions for small groups, and help create fellowship and unity. Highly recommended for churches and small groups of all types.
- Expensive. Really designed for aristocrats and the upper class people, which is both a good and bad thing. Reaching out to the rich community will be very easy with these DVD’s, but the upfront costs can be difficult.
This DVD series is a must have for all believers and all questioning people who want answers. Dr. Tacket is absolutely an amazing, smart man. This series will answer questions you didn’t even know that you had! The depth in the series is astounding. – Michael Eller
Contents of the DVD’s
The DVD’s are filled with over 13hrs of enticing video. It covers many different topics to show God in them, and really dissects each one of the following…
- Lesson 1 – Veritology: What is Truth?
- Lesson 2 – Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?
- Lesson 3 – Anthropology: Who is Man?
- Lesson 4 – Theology: Who is God?
- Lesson 5 – Science: What is True? (two-part lesson)
- Lesson 6 – History: Whose Story?
- Lesson 7 – Sociology: The Divine Imprint
- Lesson 8 – Unio Mystica: Am I Alone?
- Lesson 9 – The State: Whose Law?
- Lesson 10 – The American Experiment: Stepping Stones
- Lesson 11 – Labor: Created to Create
- Lesson 12 – Community and Involvement: God Cares, do I?
The Truth Peoject Dvd Set! Focus on the Family found and purchased on Amazon.com. A wonderful, eye-opening, learning experience for everyone! Millions have already watched and studies these dvd’s. They are awesome, uplifting and highly researched. Please join all who have had this experience. It IS a must-have. – Yvonne
One of the best DVD curriculums anyone can get their hands on. I, Justin Gilpin fully endorse The Truth Project and hope you found this review helpful. Not only do I endorse it, but I’ve helped lead others through The Truth Project on a weekly basis.
The Series radically opens eyes and takes a shot gun to the heart of our culture and sub-culture lies, then proceeds to examine the Biblical view in an easy to digest manner. The curriculum is designed with intermediate to advance Bible scholars, while tailoring to the non-believers as well. Not only does it expose lies, but gives us some hints on how to discover others in our own daily lives. Get The Truth Project now! It’s a must have! Satan does not want you to have this knowledge that is contained inside the DVD’s!
This series will make you stop and think when it asks the question, “Do you really believe that what you say you believe is really real?” – C Carnes
Our small group watched and discussed The Truth Project. We will never be the same. Each of us had a special “tour” lesson which spoke to us individually. This project exposes all the lies which our present society has accepted as “truth,” but which is, in fact, theory and fabrication. The Truth does, indeed, make one free, but also humble, as we look upon the Face of God, as we have never before seen Him. If you are questioning God’s existance and relevance in your life, you must watch The Truth Project. It is entertaining, intellectual, and life transforming. – L. Crenshaw
My husband and I had heard this DVD series was “amazing,” so were pleased a friend shared it with a group at church. It was well presented; provided alot of new material; offered different points of view, and was very thought-provoking. It stirred lots of conversations between the two of us, and it was exciting to share this information with others. Wishing to see it again, and share it with friends and neighbors, we’ve purchased it for our library. SEE IT IF YOU CAN! – Shena Martin