January 20, 2017

This is hard to say… I may not be the best missionary or preacher in the world. I maybe mocked, yelled at, ridiculed by other people including some ministers(what a shame). I may have people think that I’m crazy for leaving my country without having a spouse. It doesn’t concern me that you would lie, slander, yell or maybe one day end my life. Jesus was mocked, yelled, spit on and beaten then finally put on the cross by religious leaders. But, you know I didn’t get on that airplane to leave my country alone! I have God walking with me and leading me by His Holy Spirit! I KNOW HIM! I am not out of my mind maybe just out of yours!

I’d rather preach truth than butter you up with sweet words. I’m a missionary of action and despise it when I see other false preachers who are only about pictures to collect money from supporters. That is why I have been neglecting photos unless others desire to take them on my behalf. “Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God.” 2 Cor 2:17 I have been exposed to this corruption far more this term. Thank God my supporters have seen me minister with the power of God and know that He truly does GUIDE me, because I KNOW GOD!

After God called me; I sold all my possessions in 3 months and left for the Philippines with enough money to live for 2 months. After my money ran out God gave me a dream of exactly how much money would come in, then it came to pass. He is my provider and He is the one who supplies my supporters and guides their hearts to give. My trust is in Immanuel because I KNOW GOD!

All in all it is God who has done everything in this ministry. It’s really not my ministry. I feel like I’m just along for the ride. It is Him who gave me this strong convictions against sin. Jesus is my example in how to destroy the works of the enemy. I pray always to see things as He does. Last night, God gave me the words to preach at Pastor Emer Victorious‘s church. I didn’t even get the chance to look at my sermon notes. I saw victory for everyone in that church as the Gospel was preached with power and wisdom. Everyone who had serious health issues got healed by a living God last night. Hearts, backs, organs, joints, and legs were completely healed. Not even one walked away not healed by Jesus, and even if they did; I’d rather them blame my prayers and not God. As I know it’s my Father’s will to heal. It is this that I boast about. I boast that I KNOW GOD! HE is WALKING with ME! He is LEADING and TEACHING me. Don’t you want to KNOW HIM like THIS? It’s YOUR DECISION and no one ELSE’S.

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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