The conflict that resides within our hearts supersedes the conflict that we face externally. Though man is known to be man’s greatest competition; it will not have near an impact in the spiritual realm when we learn to first conquer our own hearts.

The battle I face is ever before me in one fashion or another. I suppose some should be expected when I’m consistently making devils angry. The past couple months I’ve seen on average 100+ healed a week at a rate above 90% getting healed. All glory belongs to God! There has been an amazing increase in my faith! This has been an amazing time of growth for me both mentally and spiritually. With God’s wisdom I have been able to teach many pastors how to pray for the sick while setting the captives free. There are so many amazing testimonies to share, but there is no way to fit them all in this letter.

My new mentor Dwight Palmquist continues to have his outdoor crusades, and always a privilege to be invited to pray for the sick there. Dwight has shown me what it means to be completely sold out for the Lord, as he forsook his wedding engagement some 30yrs ago to minister to dangerous Muslims in the south. God has led me to step out with these healing revival services inside the churches, which last for multiple consecutive nights. Dwight and I are still close, though we don’t see each other every week. We’re both exercising our strengths, and I’m really learning to stretch my wings once again in praying for the sick in a manner that benefits the body of Christ. Now greater discipleship can continue when the healings take place inside the church. The new believers will continue to attend and be followed up in a manner that I couldn’t manage before!

On January 29 I was able to preach at two different churches. The evening service happened to be with the church I helped plant last year in Bicol region. The pastor took me to see his handicapped landlord before service. Upon arrival, I realized she could hardly shuffle her feet despite having a cane. I was inspired by God to tell her, “You are going to be healed today.” I prayed for her after she told me she had tremendous pain in her hip. She mentioned how the pain was leaving her body in the first couple of minutes. As I began to pray again, the Holy Spirit swept into the room! Everybody was wailing with tears as the presence came in. You could sense freedom was here. Like something you could touch and grab. The woman then stood up to walk without her cane, which she had used for years! God is so willing to move mountains that stand in our way!

Five nights starting on Feb 1st I began one of these healing revivals in a small church that had just been damaged by a typhoon. The rebuilding finished that week leaving the walls being expanded which double the size of the church. I was one of the first to preach in these newly expanded walls. The Kingdom of God was preached each night with power, healing and exhortation. The church on its fifth night was so packed that people had to sit outside the church! God had just doubled the size of the church in 5 days! This is multiplication like I have never seen. Praise God for such amazing growth and willingness of the people to invite the unbelievers in that place! It’s hard not to believe in God when He heals us without payment, and without consequence like the quack doctors. Many of those voodoo doctors leave people worse off here in the Philippines. Jesus is the only King who took our place so we didn’t have to! He always removed both sin and sickness. I am perpetually in awe by the goodness of God!

On Feb 11th I was nearing the end of the week of revival. It was at a central church in Naga where God healed a woman as she took notes on the sermon. As I preached unforgiveness, she released forgiveness and was healed sitting in the pew! Nobody laid hands on her or even prayed for her! God healed her stomach and back issues instantly. None of us should hold onto unforgiveness, as it’s a poison that damages our relationship with God. It’s even written that unless we forgive others, God won’t forgive us. I pray that you too would experience this amazing miracle from God by releasing forgiveness and be healed in Jesus name!

Can you imagine Jesus praying for sick with a cellphone, text, or tv? I wonder all the time as I’ve encountered miracles through text and cellphone myself. Earlier this week I prayed for a young lady who was about to have operation on her kidney. She was instantly healed. Then in the middle of writing this, I called my pastora friend in Mindoro. She was suffering from deadly parasite eating her liver. She too was instantly healed and not a trace of pain! Come on Jesus!  Before her liver was always burning as the parasites were eating it away. What an amazing God we serve! It’s a privilege to be sent out by my supporters! Thank you for praying and writing me back to encouraging me.

I do ask for personal prayer as I have recently stood up against corruption in a minister. Drawling attention of the proper authority. In fear, the corrupt have decided to relate against me. God spoke to me regarding this issue that He, ”Prepares a table before me in the presence of me enemies.” Meaning to say I will feast on what God provides for me, and there isn’t a thing anyone can do about it. Trusting in God must happen in all areas of our life. He is either the King of all or the King of none. He has comforted me during this external battle, because I overcame the internal battle. I put my cares on Jesus. Though I don’t defend myself as a sheep unto the slaughter; I walk in peace knowing I have a great Shepard leading me!

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.” Proverbs 10:9

(Left) Pastor Celso and his landlord. I’m holding her useless cane.
(Right) 13 got baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

All those in the photo got healed at one of the revival nights.

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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  1. I’m lost. I don’t know what to do. I’m suffering from a mental illness ‘psychosis’ and am in need of God’s help in my life. I currently attend church every Saturday and Wednesdays but still feel lost. I know I’m a sinner but feel very unworthy of God’s pity. Hoping that God may give you the revelation that’s needed to help me…

    1. I’m sorry Kaye, I know that can’t be easy. That’s great you are attending church, but how is your personal time with God? I strongly urge you to do a short reading and studying of God’s word each morning as well as pray about what you’ve been reading. Typically I go through a chapter then pray. It’s life changing when we focus on our relationship with Jesus and not just the mere acts of doing “whats right” etc.

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