In just one month, so much has changed! Long story short is that I’ve got a plane ticket to the Philippines and will be departing in two weeks on March 28th. So grateful for all of the new partners God has sent my way, as together we will change many lives for His glory!

The first month back in the Philippines, I’ll be planting two SOS churches (Summer Of Service). That means I’ll finally get my fill of tons of evangelizing! Do be praying for divine opportunities to really gather the influential people in both of the two cities. With 12 people (apostles), the world was turned upside down. What can God do through us if that number is multiplied?

The SOS Church plants will be in Naujan and Victoria both located on the island of Mindoro. Three weeks are set apart by many self-funded local volunteers (30-60) to evangelize the area. The final goal is to get many new believers to meet each Sunday, and then establish an indigenous church. There has already been a lot of planning that’s gone into this, and I’m just going to be arriving at the tail end to do all the fun stuff… evangelize!

Don’t ever doubt what God can or won’t do in your life. He’s taken this extremely introverted guy and turned him into a missionary who can’t meet enough strangers! Even my Briggs Myers personality test (INTP) says that my least likely job would be a minister. God uses the least likely people, and it truly does confound the wise while at the same time reflect His sense of humor.

If God’s been tugging on your heart to commit to partnering monthly, then be obedient and visit and put love into action. Thank you so much for considering and praying about it!

Because they haven’t heard,
Justin Gilpin

P.S. To all those who read my newsletters just for faith building stories and healing videos; I won’t leave you disappointed! Here are some of the videos I’ve recently uploaded on Facebook.

Back and legs
Chronic Headaches
Knees Healed
Ears touched by God
Vertebrae restored!
Back, Knee, and Heart
Arthritis in Hands
Ears, back, and knees
Police officers knee

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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