November 17, 2014

Praise be to the Lord who makes everything beautiful in His time. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance. I can only be grateful for how much God has been renewing my mind, even from the previous year. Walking by faith and resting on what the Lord has said about me, and not my own thoughts or feelings. The past couple of months I’ve really been reflecting on our identity in Christ, and still weeding out lies in my own life that the enemy has had me to believe. It’s such a vital thing to have our ears tuned to what God says and then consider every man a liar; including ourselves.

What a marvelous thing it would be to walk with such perfect peace as the Lord promised to us. There is a place of peace where no situation or circumstance can motivate you to disbelief. Faith says, “Yes to the impossible” while the devil’s lies and carnal man says, “No, it’s not possible”. It doesn’t matter what lies we’ve come to believe about ourselves, there is a way of out. Though the real issue remains in the fact that we get comfortable with the lie or even adopt it as our own personality trait.

The Bible says, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me”. It doesn’t say deny the devil, but yourself. The problem why we hold onto offense is because we haven’t denied ourselves yet. You’re not dead and carrying that cross, until you have denied your own thoughts, and allowed the God of the universe to renew your own mind. Oh how small is our way of thinking if we believe our future plans are better for us than then God almighty Himself!

Never settle in your walk to spiritual growth. The moment you do is the moment you begin to slip backwards to a carnal life at enmity against God. For it is written that man’s ways are against God’s. There is a place where you can be so free from you, that you’re free from others – Tod White. The personal attacks or offense of others have no weight, as the truth is they don’t realize their own identity in Christ. Why would you allow somebody’s opinions of you, influence you when they don’t even know who they are? It is time to stop blaming the devil for all our issues as he only has one weapon against us. The enemy has no authority over your life unless you gave it to him and are being passive about the situation. “Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth” then the Word tells us, “He gave authority to His disciples to cast out devils and sickness”. So what does the devil have left? The devil’s only weapon is deception.

So while resting in God’s truth about my identity, He has used me to minister all across Georgia from the north next to Tennessee, to the south next to Florida. I was blessed to get a short vacation with some friends to South Carolina, thinking I’d be on a break from ministry, but God had a different plan. He actually sent somebody to our condo to be healed! Click here for that video. After my vacation, another friend blessed me with a missions trip to Costa Rica to help build in orphanage in a needy country!

Everywhere in between God has been healing from deaf ears, to crushed backs and sicknesses no doctors could heal! Just how people applaud the musician and not the instrument after a performance, likewise, God is making the music out of this instrument. To Him be all the glory!

Today is actually my birthday, and you can bless me by making a commitment to reach the Philippines for His names’ sake! If everybody who has been healed in the past couple months would support God’s ministry $10 a month, then this missionary would be out the door tomorrow doing His work!

Please consider investing to change lives for eternity, where no rust or moth can destroy! Even a single dollar a month is sufficient as a little plus a little equals a lot, and it would be a great reminder to pray for this guy monthly! Thank you so much for being a blessing! Click here to donate!

About the Author Justin Gilpin

We serve a living God for the living, not a dead God for the dead. His name is Immanuel, God with us.

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